Tray Menu
- launch
(use the shortcut on your desktop or run-devserver.exe in the install folder).
- an icon appears in the Notification Area (next to the clock) - if you don't see the icon, click on Show hidden icons and move the icon next to the clock.
1. Main Menu
When you left or right click on the icon a main menu with several items and submenus appears.
- Open Dashboard : open the Dashboard
- Servers : submenu with servers controls
- Support : link to
support page
- Tools : submenu with Tools
- Exit : close the servers and
2. Submenu 'Servers'
When you start / restart / stop a server wait a bit before next action. The process takes a few seconds.
- Start / Restart All Servers : start / restart HTTP and Database servers with the last configuration
- Stop All Servers : close HTTP and Database servers
- Start / Restart HTTP Server : start / restart HTTP server with the last configuration
- Stop HTTP Server : stop HTTP server
- Start / Restart Database Server : start / restart Database server with the last configuration
- Stop Database Server : stop Database server
3. Submenu 'Tools'
- Open Ports Controller : open a tool that displays the list of all currently opened TCP and UDP ports on your local computer.
- Open Process Explorer : open a process management and diagnostic utility - check / suspend / kill processes
- Kill Processes : submenu 'Kill Processes'
4. Sub-submenu 'Kill Processes'
Danger zone : Kill a process if you are really stuck. Killing a database server process can corrupt your files.
- Kill HTTP Server Process : kill your HTTP server
- Kill Database Server Process : kill your Database server
- Kill All Processes : kill your HTTP and Database servers